Commentary on Titus 3:1-7
The Text-Driven Podcast is walking through a new series entitled "Why You Need a Pastor.” Therefore, every Tuesday, the accompanying...
Commentary on Titus 3:1-7
Commentary on Titus 2:1-15
Commentary on Titus 1:5-16
Our Heroes Will Fail Us
The Attack on Genesis
Fence the Table
Don't Be a Heretic, Patrick
The Tyranny of Water
Defend the Flock
Text-Driven Discipleship: Biblical Stewardship
Text-Driven Discipleship: Fasting
Text-Driven Discipleship: One-on-One Discipleship
5 Encouragements for Praising God this Sunday
Text-Driven Discipleship: Prayer
Text-Driven Discipleship: Devotional Bible Reading
Text-Driven Discipleship: Baptism
People are Going to Hell
Chess, Not Checkers: Part 4
Chess, Not Checkers: Part 3
Chess, Not Checkers: Part 2