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Setting Your Calendar

Setting Your Calendar

On Episode 189 of the Text-Driven Podcast, we talked about how to make a personal, preaching, and church calendar. This article will provide a checklist for what you need to ensure is on each of these calendars at the beginning of the year. Now, while calendars will be changed and added upon throughout the year, the following items need to be included on your calendar. NOTE: For those not in vocational ministry, the personal and church calendar checklist may be useful to you as you seek to live a text-driven, church-centered life.

Personal Calendar

The personal calendar revolves around your home and family life. Within this personal calendar, it is important to note key dates, important reminders, special events, reoccurring events and special days, etc. A personal calendar is essential for those serving in vocational ministry and for text-driven believers.

  • Reoccurring Dates (Birthdays, Anniversary, Holidays, Yearly Reminders, Annual Conferences, etc.)

  • Special Events and Dates

  • Annual Vacation Days

  • School Breaks and Holidays

  • Date Nights with Spouse

Preaching Calendar

The preaching calendar helps organize what a pastor intends to preach each week. While it is not set in stone, it generally will give a guide for what will be preached each Sunday in order to avoid last-minute preparation and study. Additionally, the preaching calendar is where holidays and specific emphasis Sundays are considered (i.e. Easter, International Day of Evangelism, Christmas). Marking these special Sundays on the calendar are vital to planning out sermon series throughout the year.

  • Holidays (Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, International Day of Evangelism)

  • Important Sundays (church homecoming, annual revivals, guest preachers, Sanctity of Life Sunday, Baptism Sunday)

  • Sermon Series (adding the Book of the Bible and passage, along with the date and thesis statement for the sermon)

Church Calendar

The church calendar will contain all the events, outreaches, and important dates throughout the entire calendar/budget year. For those not in vocational ministry, these dates are still helpful to note as you seek to live a text-driven, church-centered life.

  • Evangelism and Outreach Events (door-to-door evangelism, Easter outreach, Christmas events, Food Pantry, Fall events, etc.)

  • Special Conferences and Annual Revival Services

  • Associational, State, and National Convention meetings

  • Mission Trips

  • Annual Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Meal

  • Staff, Deacon, Business Meetings

  • Counseling Appointments

  • Baby Dedications

  • Vacation Bible School

  • Youth Camps, DNOW, etc.


Of course, this is not an exhaustive list by any means. However, this list should get you started and on your way to formulating a calendar. The old adage is true: failing to plan is planning to fail. Be confident in what you intend to do and plan accordingly. This will help you live text-driven in all areas of your life.

Written by Klayton Carson

You can listen to the Text-Driven Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or at New episodes are released every Monday, just in time for your morning commute.


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Fellowship Church

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1411 Lake Trafford Rd.

Immokalee. FL 34142

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Text-Driven Ministries is a ministry arm of Fellowship Church of southwest Florida.

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